
Would you like to make a gift that costs you little or nothing while you are alive, but have the impact last for generations and generations to come?
If you are interested in this possibility, consider making a legacy gift to Our Lady of Mount Carmel School. It can be as simple as leaving the school in your will as a beneficiary of your estate, or even putting OLMC School as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
There are many ways you can create a lasting impact, and we would like to work with you to make sure that your funds are allocated to a place in our school that is close to your heart and has the greatest impact.
Call 757-596-2754 for more information or to set-up an appointment to learn about how you can make your legacy last for generations at OLMC School.
Types of Giving & Gifts
Gift from a Will or a Living Trust
A gift from a will or a living trust are two of the most common ways to create a legacy gift for the benefit of our school. A bequest may include cash, specific property, or a share of the estate.
Gifts of Stock and Appreciated Assets
Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual funds directly to our school can significantly increase your tax deduction and the amount of income our school receives.
Gifts from Your Retirement Plan
Gifts of retirement assets are another simple way to leave a gift by naming our school as beneficiary of a percentage or the full amount of your Individual Retirement Account (IRA), 401k, or other qualified retirement plan.
Gifts of Life Insurance
There are many ways in which life insurance policies can be used to make a contribution, all of which provide tax deductions and the opportunity to make a more substantial gift than otherwise possible. It is easy to name Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic School as the beneficiary of a policy or transfer ownership of a paid-up policy to our school.
Gifts of Real Estate
Our school may be named as beneficiary or co-beneficiary to almost any type of personal property or real estate.