Resource Program

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School offers a top-notch Resource Program to students with learning challenges, which will enable them to thrive and succeed in our educational setting. This quality program works with children who have dyslexia, decoding difficulties, dysgraphia, math computation and application challenges, processing disorders, and attention difficulties. Using the results of detailed psycho-educational evaluations by a licensed psychologist or diagnostician, students may receive accommodations, as well as direct instruction by an experienced, certified Master’s Level Special Education teacher in areas of identified challenges. Students may also receive assistance with organization and study skills designed to help them flourish in the classroom. The Resource Program is designed to offer the following:
- Classroom Accommodations: Accommodations are devised based on data obtained from professional diagnostic assessment data. Students receive tailored accommodations to ensure optimal academic and social achievement.
- Teacher Support: Teachers are provided pertinent information about the student’s strengths and challenges. Strategies and assistance for working to address the student’s challenges is provided as needed.
- Support for classroom curriculum skills and remedial instruction: Small group instruction relating directly to curriculum topics presented in the classroom is conducted, upon teacher referral of students.
- Individual Catholic Education Plans are devised for qualifying students on a case-by-case basis. Specialized instruction on goals and objectives are provided in the resource setting by a certified special education teacher.
- Student Accommodation Plan: Student Accommodation Plans are written to provide accommodations and possible services that are needed for students identified with a disability to participate in and access the regular education curriculum.
- Consultation – Students and families receive assistance with referrals for outside support on issues related to their academic performance and/or social and emotional needs, information regarding and assistance with the educational testing process, tutoring service information, community based workshops, and available community resources
- In-House Assessment – standardized diagnostic testing in the areas of Reading and Math are conducted on an as-needed basis. Results are used to determine need for additional outside assessment, and/or for formulation of student education plans
Requirements for Resource participation consist of one of the following:
- Professionally conducted psycho-educational testing report identifying area of educational need. Assessment data must be current.
- Referral for resource assistance made by student’s classroom teacher
- For students new to the school, a copy of current student IEP, when applicable
- Recommendation by a Licensed Physician
You are encouraged to call the Director of Resource to discuss your child’s academic needs and history. If your child has a diagnosis other than a learning disability or attention difficulties, please feel free to call and discuss how OLMC School might best meet your child’s needs. Students in the Resource Program have found great academic success through specialized instruction, learning skills for staying organized, utilizing practiced study skills, and attending extra help sessions offered by the school. Our Lady of Mount Carmel School strives to fulfill our mission by working in partnership with parents to ensure the optimal achievement of each child in our care.