Clubs and Activities

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is pleased to offer a wide range of clubs and activities to boost the student life on and off campus. OLMC students are given the opportunity and encouraged to join school clubs, which open the door to building new friendships, allow them to explore leadership opportunities, and improve academic life. A majority of OLMC students participate in a club or activity to enhance their educational experience.
Altar Servers/Ushers/Sacristans (grades 5-8)
Students have the opportunity to serve at the weekly all-school Masses. Eighth grade students serve as ushers, sacristans, and greeters under the supervision of the director of liturgy and worship and the 8th grade theology teacher. Students in 5th-8th grade take turns serving at the altar. Students in 6th-8th grade serve as lecturers and petition readers.
Band (grades 4th-8th)
Our OLMC Bands are after school extracurriculars and are open to any student from 4th-8th grade. We currently have two bands: Beginning and Intermediate.
- The Beginning Band is for students with little or no prior background in playing a band instrument. Students will learn how to produce a characteristic sound on their instrument, be able to read music, and understand basic musical terms and skills.
- The Intermediate Band is designed for students who have played their instruments for at least a year or more. The focus of the ensemble is to strengthen and remediate fundamentals and to encourage strong practice and rehearsal skills.
Choir (grades 3-5)
The choir is open to any 3rd-5th grade student who loves to sing! We learn a variety of songs, hymns, patriotic songs, and music from other cultures. We learn basic skills of reading sheet music, singing in unison, rounds, and two-part harmony. By doing so, students will be preparing for a lifetime enjoyment of making music! We have two main concerts that we prepare musical repertoire for, the Winter Concert in December and a Spring Concert in May. Throughout the year, the choir has the opportunity to sing for community events such as the Cornerstone Breakfast and any others that come up. There are two opportunities to sign up and join: the first being at the beginning of the school year and in January.
Robotics combines math, engineering, arts, and technology into one fun program! Students work in teams to create an innovation project that works to solve real world problems. Working with various types of sensors, students program their robots to receive information, process it, and perform an array of tasks/missions. The robotics teams participate in the First LEGO League Competitions. Saint Thomas Aquinas Honor Society (grades 7-8)
Students that are strong academically and demonstrate the four qualities of character, leadership, scholarship, and service are considered by a faculty board for induction into the Saint Thomas Aquinas Honor Society.
Student Ambassadors (grades 6-8)
The student ambassadors assist the Admissions and Advancement Offices in a variety of ways including offering tours for prospective families, assisting at our Open House, becoming peer mentors, providing support for our transitioning students, and participating in fundraising events including our Cornerstone Breakfast. These students have many opportunities to provide hospitality to our guests and new school community members as well as practice and refine their public speaking skills.