Academic Planning for Military Families

All students are required to take religion, language arts, math, science, and social studies. “Specials” classes include technology/library, art, music, PE/health and foreign language. There are advanced placement classes in math, science and foreign language.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School adheres to the Consensus Curriculum. This top-quality curriculum was developed by the Master Curriculum Council, a sophisticated group of professional educators, within the Diocese of Richmond. In their research, they intensively examined and designed a curriculum that is age-appropriate, effectively used and responds to current research through its cyclical revisions. For additional information visit our website.
Prospective students complete academic screening as part of the admissions process. Please see the grade level for which your child is applying for admission below. All testing materials will be supplied.
Grades PreK and Kindergarten:
Students in grades PreK and Kindergarten will be screened by the respective grade level teachers at the scheduled screening date/time you have been given. Screening takes approximately 20-30 minutes. Parents and guardians should remain on campus for the duration of this screening for in-person assessments.
Grade 1:
Students in grade 1 will be screened by the Admissions Coordinator at the scheduled screening date/time you have been given. This screening takes approximately 45 minutes to be administered, student dependent. The assessment is read to the student. Parents and guardians should remain on campus for the duration of this screening for in-person assessments.
Grades 2-5:
Students in grades 2 through 5 will be screened by the Admissions Coordinator at the scheduled screening date/time you have been given. This screening is comprised of the completion leveled Reading Running Records followed by a grade level appropriate math assessment. The math portion can take approximately 40-60 minutes, student dependent. Parents and guardians should remain on campus for the duration of this screening.
Grades 6-8:
Students in grades 6 through 8 will be screened by the Admissions Coordinator at the scheduled screening date/time you have been given. This screening is comprised of a 35 minute timed language arts assessment followed by a math placement assessment that will assess algebra readiness. The math portion is not timed but generally will not surpass 60 minutes. Parents and guardians should remain on campus for the duration of this screening for in-person assessments.
Writing Samples:
All students in grades 1-8 will be given a grade appropriate writing prompt to provide a sample of writing skills.
Student Individual Education Plans and Accommodations
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School offers a top-notch Resource Program to students with learning challenges, which will enable them to thrive and succeed in our educational setting. This quality program works with children who have dyslexia, decoding difficulties, dysgraphia, math computation and application challenges, processing disorders, and attention difficulties. Using the results of detailed psycho-educational evaluations by a licensed psychologist or diagnostician, students may receive accommodations, as well as direct instruction by an experienced, certified Master’s Level Special Education teacher in areas of identified challenges. Students may also receive assistance with organization and study skills designed to help them flourish in the classroom.
For additional information about this program, please visit our website.