Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to Our Lady of Mount Carmel School!
OLMC School is celebrating our 69th year serving families in the Hampton Roads area, teaching the whole child in the tradition of the Catholic Church. It is a joy to serve the young people of the Peninsula and bring them the truth and love of Jesus Christ in their early years of education. While it is both an adventure and a challenge to be His disciples in the 21st century, it is one which our students and teachers are ambitious to take. This year, we’re daily recalling how Jesus himself drew near to the disciples on the road to Emmaus and still draws near and remains with us today in the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our life!
OLMC School has long enjoyed a reputation for academic excellence, which was magnified in 2009 when it was awarded the National Blue Ribbon of Excellence for its sustained, distinguished academic achievement. The Purple Star recognition granted to OLMC in 2019 acknowledges that we are a military-friendly school, welcoming a third of our population from military families and supporting their students’ transition and education. And in 2020, the Cardinal Newman Society’s review established OLMC as the first school in the Richmond Diocese to be on the Catholic Education Honor Roll – attesting to the strong foundation in faith, academics, morals, and discipline that students have always received at OLMC. The students and teachers, supported by the wider parent community and the parish, engage in teaching and learning in a creative, warm, and Christ-centered environment. Often, I have had the joy of hearing our students praised by people in the grocery store, by high school principals, and by coaches of other athletic teams and organizations. Our current students and graduates are frequently reputed for good manners as well as their strong academic preparation. Here they receive and master both the individual skills required to succeed in higher levels of study, as well as the broader picture that unifies all truth, which has its source in God.
The website is a snapshot of our school; I invite you to visit and ask for a tour to get a real sense of the joy of learning at OLMC. I look forward to meeting you soon!
God bless you!
Sister Anna Joseph, O.P.